Now you have a choice on how to join us for worship each Sunday at 10:30am. Show up in person or watch live on YouTube by subscribing at All Saints Sun Valley
For Pastoral Services/Care contact 818-767-7260.
All Saints Learning Center is currently enrolling new students. For more information please click here

All Saints’ worship is centered on Word and Sacrament: God’s promise proclaimed in Scripture and preaching, Christ’s presence acknowledged and celebrated in Holy Communion.
We come to worship “just as we are”: Sinners in need of healing and grace, people of every kind and age and situation.
We welcome you among us: as friend and neighbor, as a fellow seeker of wholeness and truth, as one who journeys through life with us. We welcome and include all people in our community of faith, people of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We are a Reconciling Works congregation.
We worship and celebrate God’s love every Sunday and on special days during Lent, Holy Week, and Christmas Eve.
Worship at 10:30 A.M.
As baptized followers of Christ, we through faith, commit ourselves in all we do to welcome and include all people in our community of faith. People of all races, ethnicities, nationalities, sexual orientations, and gender identities so that everyone may share in God’s peace, joy and unconditional love.
Holy Communion is offered to people of all Christian backgrounds who seek Christ’s presence in their lives.
Children may commune if their parents desire, or may be brought to the Altar railing for a blessing.
We receive bread in the form of a wafer.
The wafer is dipped into the wine chalice.
We also acknowledge and affirm those who do not partake of the wine for whatever reason and believe the sacrament is valid in one kind (bread) as well as in bread and wine.